- GETRetrieve all products
- POSTCreate product
- GETRetrieve skus
- GETRetrieve product details
- PUTUpdate product details
- DELDelete product
- GETRetrieve product variants
- POSTCreate variant
- POSTUpdate variants in bulk
- GETRetrieve a variant details
- PUTUpdate a variant
- DELDelete a variant
- GETRetrieve product inventory
- POSTUpdate product inventory
- GETRetrieve product inventory activities
- PUTUpdate product inventory activities
- POSTCreate product inventory activities
- GETRetrieve product reviews
- GETRetrieve product review
- PUTUpdate product review
- DELDelete product review
- GETRetrieve all categories
- POSTCreate category
- GETRetrieve category
- PUTUpdate category
- DELDelete category
- GETRetrieve all attributes
- POSTCreate attribute
- GETRetrieve attribute
- PUTUpdate attribute
- DELDelete attribute
- POSTAdd product pricing
- PUTUpdate product pricing
- DELDelete product pricing
- POSTAdd product image
- PUTUpdate product image
- DELDelete product image
- GETRetrive sku detail
- PUTActivate user account
- PUTDeactivate user account
- GETCheck domain availability
- GETRetrieve all roles
- POSTCreate new role
- PUTUpdate role
- DELDelete role
- GETRetrieve all permissions of a role
- POSTAdd permission to role
- DELRemove permission from role
- GETRetrieve all members
- POSTCreate new member
- GETRetrieve member detail
- PUTUpdate member details
- DELDelete member
- GETRetrieve all roles of a member
- POSTAssigne role to member
- DELRemove role from member
Coupons & promotions API
- GETList all coupons
- POSTCreate coupon
- GETRetrieve coupon details
- PUTUpdate coupon
- DELDelete coupon
- GETList all coupon codes
- POSTAdd coupon code
- GETList all coupon customers
- GETRetrieve coupon usage
- GETList all promotions
- POSTCreate promotion
- GETRetrieve promotion details
- PUTUpdate promotion
- DELDelete promotion
- GETList all promotion usage
- GETList all promotion customers
Orders API
Shipping API
Customers API
Segments API
Payments API
Media Gallery API
List all orders
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
"message": "<string>",
"success": true,
"content": {
"orders": [
"order_number": "<string>",
"order_date": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"status": "draft",
"payment_status": "pending",
"payment_success_date": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"has_refund": true,
"on_subscription": true,
"grand_total": 123,
"loyalty_point_redeemed": 123,
"credit_balance_used": 123,
"to_be_paid": 123,
"order_items_count": 123,
"order_items": [
"product_id": "<string>",
"product_name": "<string>",
"product_image_url": "<string>",
"sku": "<string>",
"on_offer": true,
"on_promotion": true,
"on_subscription": true,
"subscription_plan": "<string>",
"subscription_interval": 123,
"subscription_frequency": "<string>",
"quantity": 123,
"free_quantity": 123,
"is_free_item": true,
"selling_price": 123,
"listing_price": 123,
"promotion_discount_amount": 123,
"coupon_discount_amount": 123,
"tax_type": "GST",
"tax_rate": 123,
"tax_amount": 123,
"shipping_additional_cost": 123
"customer_note": "<string>",
"loyalty_point_earned": 123,
"currency": {
"name": "<string>",
"code": "<string>",
"symbol": "<string>"
"created_at": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"modified_at": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z"
"pagination": {
"total_records": 123,
"total_pages": 123,
"previous_page": "<any>",
"limit": 123,
"next_page": "<any>"
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Unique number associated with the order.
Date and time when the order was placed.
Current status of the order (e.g., "pending," "processing," "shipped," etc.).
, awaiting_approval
, cancelled
, shipped
, delivered
, awaiting_shipment
Current payment status of the order (e.g., "pending," "success," "failed").
, success
, failed
, partially_paid
Date and time when the payment for the order was successfully processed.
Indicates whether the order has a refund associated with it or not.
Indicates whether the order includes subscription items.
Total amount for the order, including all items, taxes, and discounts.
Number of loyalty points redeemed in the order.
Amount of credit balance used in the order.
Amount remaining to be paid for the order.
Total count of items included in the order.
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
"message": "<string>",
"success": true,
"content": {
"orders": [
"order_number": "<string>",
"order_date": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"status": "draft",
"payment_status": "pending",
"payment_success_date": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"has_refund": true,
"on_subscription": true,
"grand_total": 123,
"loyalty_point_redeemed": 123,
"credit_balance_used": 123,
"to_be_paid": 123,
"order_items_count": 123,
"order_items": [
"product_id": "<string>",
"product_name": "<string>",
"product_image_url": "<string>",
"sku": "<string>",
"on_offer": true,
"on_promotion": true,
"on_subscription": true,
"subscription_plan": "<string>",
"subscription_interval": 123,
"subscription_frequency": "<string>",
"quantity": 123,
"free_quantity": 123,
"is_free_item": true,
"selling_price": 123,
"listing_price": 123,
"promotion_discount_amount": 123,
"coupon_discount_amount": 123,
"tax_type": "GST",
"tax_rate": 123,
"tax_amount": 123,
"shipping_additional_cost": 123
"customer_note": "<string>",
"loyalty_point_earned": 123,
"currency": {
"name": "<string>",
"code": "<string>",
"symbol": "<string>"
"created_at": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
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